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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is red light therapy and how does it work?
Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, is a non-invasive treatment that uses specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to improve cellular function. The light penetrates the skin and can stimulate the mitochondria in the cells, leading to improved cell repair, reduced inflammation and pain, and improved tissue healing.
What is the difference between red light and near infrared light?
Red light
Red light has a wavelength between 620 and 750 nanometers and penetrates the skin to a depth of about 5 millimeters. It stimulates cellular energy production and promotes blood circulation, which can contribute to better skin health. It can help reduce wrinkles, promote wound healing and relieve superficial pain. It can also promote skin rejuvenation through improved collagen and elastin production. Red light therapy is effective for treatments that target the upper layers of the skin and superficial complaints.
Near infrared light
Near-infrared light has a wavelength between 750 and 1200 nanometers and penetrates deeper into the skin, up to about 1-3 centimeters. It stimulates the mitochondria in cells, which leads to improved cell repair and regeneration. This type of light therapy is effective for treating deeper tissues such as muscles and joints. It can help reduce pain and inflammation at greater depths. Near-infrared light also promotes blood flow in deeper tissues, which contributes to faster recovery from injuries and muscle fatigue.
What is the difference between the Armor 500 and Armor 600?
There is not much difference between these two lights. The Armor 500 has an output of 197 mW/cm², while the Armor 600 has an output of 182 mW/cm². Furthermore, the Armor 500 has 60 LEDs, while the Armor 600 has 59. The 500 is operated with a remote control and push buttons, while the 600 has touch keys.
What is the difference between the lamps?
The difference between the lamps often has to do with factors such as radiation, size, lifespan and number of LEDs. On each page of the red light therapy lamps you will find a comparison section in which all the lamps are displayed side by side, together with their specifications.
Which lamp should I choose?
1. Treatment Area: Do you want to treat a small, specific area, such as a joint or sore spot, or a larger area, such as your back or legs? For smaller areas, you can use a light with a focused beam, while for larger areas, a larger light or panel may be more effective.
2. Depth of treatment: Different lamps have different wavelengths. Red light (approximately 600-660 nm) does not penetrate as deeply into the skin as near-infrared light (approximately 800-900 nm), which can penetrate deeper into tissues. If you want to treat deeper tissues, a lamp with near-infrared light may be more suitable.
3. Intensity and Power: The intensity of the light can affect its effectiveness. Look at the strength of the lamp (radiation) and how well it is able to deliver a therapeutic dose of light.
4. Quality and safety: Choose good quality bulbs from reputable brands to ensure you get a safe and effective product. Check that the bulb meets safety standards and has been properly tested.
5. Budget: There are many different lamps available in different price ranges. Determine your budget and look for a lamp that offers the best value for your needs.
6. Hoe vaak en hoe lang moet ik een roodlichttherapie-paneel gebruiken voor optimale resultaten?
De aanbevolen frequentie en duur van gebruik kunnen variëren afhankelijk van de specifieke behoeften en doelen van de gebruiker. Over het algemeen wordt geadviseerd om roodlichttherapie 3-5 keer per week te gebruiken, met sessies die 10-20 minuten duren op een afstand van 50-100 cm
7. Hoe lang duurt het voordat ik resultaten zie van roodlichttherapie?
U kunt binnen enkele weken regelmatig gebruik van Liroma Rood Licht Panelen voordelen beginnen te zien. Op basis van onze interne enquêtes melden veel Liroma-gebruikers merkbare verbeteringen in pijnverlichting, verminderde ontsteking en mobiliteit binnen de eerste paar dagen. 94% van onze klanten meldt pijnverlichting binnen de eerste 4 weken van regelmatig gebruik. Consistentie is de sleutel, dus het gebruik van de therapie zoals aanbevolen zal u helpen de beste resultaten te behalen.